Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Photography Notes.

The first thing that we did in the lesson was we watched a short clip of genius of photography. We watched about 22 minuets of it. I thought that it was interesting and insightful. It showed how photography started and who started it. It showed us how they got the idea for the camera. Camera obscure that is when you darken a room with black paper or sheet, cut a little hole in the paper of sheet so that the light from outside is forced through it. After a few seconds what is outside is projected onto the wall through that little hole, and that is where the idea of the camera came from.

After that we created a blog for our photography work.
Then we created a timeline which showed when the first photograph was taken and who took it.

Then we started talking about the camera shutter and how it works. The shutter controls the amount of time that the film is exposed to the light. The camera shutter has a range of different speed, from 4 seconds to 1/4000 of a second which on some cameras you can selected manual.

We also talked about camera shake and how know matter how steady your hand is there will still be camera shake. When you are holding a camera the speed of the shutter shouldn’t be lower than the focal length of the lens.

The Aperture
The aperture is the opening and closing of the lens, it controls the amount of light that hits the film. The opening and closing is referred to as F-numbers of F-stop, the larger the F-number the less light is exposed to the film, the smaller the F-number the more light is exposed to the film.

Semiotics and representation

Representation describes the signs that stand in for and take the place of something else.

For example this is a famous painting by the French impressionist Renee Magritte. He called his collection “The Treachery Of Image”

Ceci n’est pas une pipe
This is not a pipe

What Renee Magritte meant by this painting was that this is not a pipe, it is a representation of a pipe.
Meaning that is not real you can’t pick it up and use it, it is just a painting.


Semiotics is the study of sign systems
Semiotics Relation between signs and the things they refer to, their denotata.
Semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols.

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